IT'S A LOTTTTTT TO READ, BUT PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE HELP ME OUT: Ok so I have a pretty big problem here. When I applied to a bunch of colleges, I was hoping that being rejected from some would make my college decision easier, but I was only denied by one out of ten, so now I really cannot choose what school I want to go to. I'd like to major in music industry/business, and so CPP would be the best choice for that, obviously. But I've heard there isn't a lot to do in Pomona and the school is dead, and I don't want to have to drive out to LA every time I want to do something, especially since I might not even have a car. No one I know is going to school there or near there, so I wouldn't be able to visit friends either. I'm the type of person who needs to be doing something in order to not be bored, and so I'm not sure if I'd like it there very much. I also don't know anything about the social life. Then there's SFSU, which I just visited this past weekend. I liked the campus, it was nice. I have a friend who's going there and he showed me around the city and showed me what he and his friends do. Basically smoke and drink and party. I'm not exactly the biggest partier (I do like parties though) and so I feel like I wouldn't fit in there very well if that's all everyone does there (which is what he said). Also, I was counting on knowing him when I go there so I wouldn't feel as lost not knowing anybody, however he told me he was moving back home to go the city college (which is my third choice) and so I'd only know 2 people from my school who I don't like all thaaaat much, and a couple from other schools who I don't know very well. Plus, SFSU doesn't have my major, and while I could mix Business with another major to do music business, I'm scared that record labels would wonder why I didn't just go to a school where they had that specific major. And while I agree that the city is nice, of course, in a way it really scares me. Once again, without my friend there who knows his way around, I'm scared of going out into the city and getting lost and whatnot. Plus, I'm a girl, and I was told it's unsafe for a girl to go out walking in San Francisco. I'm basically just not really sure what I would do there. (And also, if I do go there, should I live in the dorms?) Lastly, Grossmont City college in my hometown. If I went there, not only would I be saving BUNDLES of money, but I would get an associates degree and then transfer after two years to work on getting a master or bachelors degree or whatever. If I went there, I would be living at home, which is good for home-cooked meals and private bathrooms, but who wants to live at home during college? I want to be at least somewhat independent, you know? Plus, while living in dorms does have it's downsides, so I've heard, I kind of want that college experience. The classes at Grossmont are pretty good, I've heard. But then, people who go to city colleges aren't trying to make friends, they just go to class, go to work, go home. I think some people from my school are going there, and I know one of my old middle-school friends is going there for sure, and I know it's not good to follow your friends, but I'd at least like to know a few or even one person wherever I go (thus the problem with CPP). However, all of my good friends are leaving town. And yes, I know that's a situation that comes with going to college and I'm going to have to deal with it and get used to it, but they're not even really within visiting-distance. Then I heard that it's going to get a lot harder to transfer to a 4-year university because of all of the budget cuts in california. The school is in San Diego, where I've lived my entire life. I've recently come to appreciate it a lot more, and as a college student, there will be so much more to do, but I want to see new cities and places and have new experiences, and that might be hard to do if I live in the same place as I have my whole life. Then , if I go to city college, I'd be missing out on a huge part of the college experience, seeing as how when I transfer, I'd most likely be living off-campus and wouldn't be participating in campus activities and the social life as an upperclassman (I could be wrong, do upperclassmen do that?). But at a city college, I would save so much money, and be able to work a lot more to make more money, I'd know my way around the city and know a few people around here, and I'd be able to figure out what exactly I want with two more years to go. I'm really just not looking forward to living at home, but neither I nor my family has enough money for me to rent an apartment when I could just be living at home for free. My last dilemma is that I'm not really excited to go to any of these schools! When it comes to making decisions, I usually have a THANK YOU SOOOO much guys. I'd still like some more advice though. As for my parents knowing what's up, unfortunately they don't :/ My mom grew up in Italy where they don't have community college and high school is five years, s more time to figure things out, and the school system there is so different. My dad went to school in Greece from 8th grade to HS graduation, and when he moved back was too poor to afford to go to college, even with a full-ride to UCSD. He went to state later on, and so was much older than I am when he started college. :/ Woops, that last part cut off, here: My last dilemma is that I'm not really excited to go to any of these schools! When it comes to making decisions, I usually have a clue about which one would be the best, and which one 'd like the most, and which one would be the worst. But this time I and really conflicted about this and I cannot make a decision I'd be satisfied with. This kind of makes me dread going to a school, because I feel like I would hate it and would constantly be thinking of what I missing and how I made the wrong decision and how my life will be ruined because of it (even though it won't, it'll just feel like it). Each one of these schools has been my number one school at some point, but now I can't choose anymore. Can anyone offer any insight, suggestions, conclusions, solutions, advice, etc? PLEASEEEE! We have to decide which schools we're going to by May 1st (already!).
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are serious about your intended career, go to CPP. If you are not, go to Grossmont. SF State is not a great place to have "the college experience" as most students are commuters. "The college experience" is a myth, anyway. The SF State campus is cold, foggy, isolated from the interesting parts of the City and very over-crowded.
2 :
Look up great music schools. One of the best ones in So. Cal is Cal State University at Long Beach. They have an awesome program! And it's really close to lots of stuff to do, both in LA and in Long Beach, and they have a pretty good transportation system in and around the school. Plus don't rely on your friends, make new ones, they won't mind driving you around if you don't have a car, just go where you want to go! And if you really aren't excited about school go to the city college, take just a couple of courses and work full time (you'll change your mind super fast, and want to go to school full-time again) Best of luck!
3 :
Unless you are completely sure about the other universities, I would stick with your city college. Who knows---- you may come across a different college that you absolutely fall in love with You may earn a scholarship if you do well in Community college You may decide to change your major. A lot can happen. Im at community college right now and Im SO happy I started here. Its completely free- I have financial aid and scholarships, and I have changed my major so many times. Now I am looking to transfer to a more prestigious out of state college like NYU or Duke. If I hadnt started out here, I would be at my state college which isnt known for my major. Nothing bad can come out of starting at your community college. As for being independent- Im 18 and still live at home. But I work full time, go to school full time, volunteer, do household chores, pay my cell phone bill, car insurance/gas, etc. I am extremely independent. I was never interested in sharing a dorm because I like my privacy and I like things being clean and in order. You dont want to rush into anything. Take your time, it's not a race. As long as you focus on your academics, you'll be fine. You dont want to go to a university and be stressed about money/housing- it will affect your school work = not good. Good luck to you! If your parents give you advice, take it. They know what they're talking about.
4 :
I'd recommend going where it's best for your future. As far as friends, you can make friends where ever you choose to go. I realize Pomona may seem a bit socially dead but next year all freshmen will be required to live on campus and with their new dorms their residential population will be close to 4,000. I think that the social scene on campus will improve. You will need a car or a friend who has one if you want to enjoy activities in LA.